On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Jan de Groot <j...@jgc.homeip.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 12:06 +0800, Auguste Pop wrote:
>> relinking python is a bad idea, but imho, explicitly envoking python3
>> when packaging it not.
>> using python to install python3 packages is like linking to foo.so
>> instead of foo.so.3.
> Which is what is done by default when you tell gcc to link -lfoo ;)
but the soname recorded in the executable would be libfoo.so.3. so if
a soname bump occured in libfoo, out executable will not run since
libfoo.so is now linked to libfoo.so.4, even if it's totally identical
to libfoo.so.3. my point is, the executable would fail to run in the
linking stage, instead of making some ugly errors in runtime.

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