I have a desktop now. I didn't have to run gnome-shell or keep it permanenttly installed. This is what I did, and it should work for you as well.

Go into a terminal and enter these commands:

sudo pacman -S gnome-shell gnome-tweak-tool

Now go to the second page from the bottom, I think it's called "file manager" or similar and tab to the button that speaks, "switch toggle button not pressed." Unfortunately, most of these buttons and dropdown boxes don't speak what they are, but this one is the only thing in that window. Press space to activate the button. Then you can just hit alt-f4 to close the window. You should be placed back in the terminal where you ran gnome-tweak-tool, where you now can run

sudo pacman -R gnome-shell gnome-tweak-tool

The next time you log in, you will have a Nautilus desktop nearly as you remember it from 2.32 and earlier. Orca will have a few problems, such as saying that every icon you land on is unselected and that you never have anything selected on your desktop when using the "where am I" function, but overall, it works. You also still won't be able to use alt-control-d to get to your desktop, but it seems to be in the panel list once again. Hope this helps get you up and running.

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