On Saturday 04 June 2011 08:44:34 Jan de Groot wrote: > On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 03:06 -0400, Yclept Nemo wrote: > > Perhaps openntpd does not set the hwclock. Therefore, should openntpd > > be used in conjuction with the hwclock daemon? > > That's true, and that's also the reason why Openntpd doesn't play well > with Xen where all guest VMs will take over the clock from the host VM. > With the normal ntp distribution that works, but with Openntpd you need > something to push the changes to the hwclock.
I've found this gnawing at me since I read it. I originally started using OpenNTPD because it was smaller, lighter, and easier to configure. However, it's disappointing that it doesn't deal better with the hardware clock. Searching around for more information, I discovered that OpenNTPD is not currently well supported for Linux, and the "portable" version that our package is based on is lagging significantly behind the mainline. I've heard a few people mention Chrony as a good alternative, and I like the sound of it. There's an AUR package, but no Wiki entry. Has anyone given Chrony a shot, or have any strong opinions about it? Paul