On 06/10/2011 10:29 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> On 06/10/2011 10:21 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
>> Am 10.06.2011 18:47, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>>> Hello,
>>> Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
>>> run "rc.d start mpd" I get this error /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 24502
>>> Aborted                 /usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf&>/dev/null.
>>> I am using gnome3(if thats somehow causing the problem.) I believe its
>>> due to some ALSA pulseaudio mixup but I am not sure.
>>> However if I run "sudo mpd" I get this output:
>>> [papul@papuldesktop ~]$ sudo mpd
>>> output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
>>> output: Attempt to detect audio output device
>>> output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device
>>> output: Successfully detected a alsa audio device
>>> and after that if I run "mpc play" I get this:
>>> [papul@papuldesktop ~]$ mpc play
>>> Metallica - The Unforgiven II
>>> [paused]  #4/8   0:00/6:36 (0%)
>>> volume: n/a   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
>>> ERROR: problems opening audio device
>>> Please help coz I haven't been able to listen to music for quite
>>> sometime now. :(
>> Did you try to configure MPD to use PulseAudio then? (see [1])
>> [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MPD
> how do I check if I am using pulseaudio or alsa or whatever else there is?
Uncommenting ALSA audio output section in /etc/mpd.conf solved the problem.
Thanks for the help.

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