Hello, I am now trying netcfg for managing network connections, however
I encountered some problems, and I didn't find the solution in the
manual or the ArchWiki.  So I wonder whether a complete documentation is

The two problems I encountered are:

1. Ad-Hoc wireless lost ESSID.

I used this (working) script to connect:

> #!/bin/bash
> NET_ESSID="ssid"
> NET_KEY="passwd"
> iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
> ifconfig wlan0 up
> iwconfig wlan0 essid $NET_ESSID key "s:$NET_KEY" channel auto
> ifconfig wlan0 $NET_MYIP
> route add default gw $NET_GATEWAY

I tried to do the same with netcfg.  Here is the profile:

> CONNECTION='wireless'
> DESCRIPTION='Wi-Fi at home'
> PRE_UP="ip link set wlan0 down; iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc"
> INTERFACE='wlan0'
> SECURITY='wep'
> ESSID='ssid'
> KEY='s:passwd'
> IP='static'
> ADDR='' # Please ignore this difference, I'm sure it's unused
> DNS=('')
> # Uncomment this if your ssid is hidden
> #HIDDEN=yes

However, I cannot connect it.  I've configured my conky to monitor
network connections, from what it showed, the ESSID is associated first,
then lost after a few seconds.

2. PPPOE won't start by itself.

Here's the simple profile:


When I run `sudo netcfg ppp`, it just got stuck there.  Then I opened
another terminal, and ping some IP, then it got connected.

Thank you.  These two problems have been bothering me for a week.

Carl Lei (XeCycle)
Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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