On 04.07.2011 02:02, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Where does cpanp get the information to generate a properly configured
> PKGBUILD for a module?

From the META.yml [1] file on cpan.

> Right now, I cannot use cpanp to build Params::Util because it keeps
> sticking a bad dependency in the PKGBUILD for perl. 

Well, perl guys tend to loose the dots so 5.14.1 would be 5.014001. You
can test that using `perl -v` or `perl -e 'print $^V'` and `perl -e
'print $]'`. "$]" and "$^V" contain the perl version you're running in
different formats.
I have no idea why there are two formats though.

> I have
> cpanplusdistarch configured to autogenerate the arch package.  Should
> I not be doing this?  When I tried installing CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch
> by using cpanp, it put the scripts in the wrong place so I couldn't
> execute them.  Instead, I removed that install and installed the
> perl-cpanplus-dist-arch from AUR; that way the scripts are in the
> right place.

Works fine for me.

[1] http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/ADAMK/Params-Util-1.04/META.yml

Florian Pritz

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