On 07/07/2011 11:17 PM, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:

What's wrong with Gnome 3 in fallback mode? Have I missed something?

in fallback mode:
does not have icons in the desktop,
the panel is not the same, the mouse right click does not work
there are no applets.
Nautilus is a stand alone program and not use the desktop  any more
There are several keyboard commands that end users are not able to use
as they are trained to use only the mouse.

For a skilled computer wizard, gnome3 is good, fast... but is is
useless for an end user.

everything you said above is plain wrong. EVERYTHING go read the wiki or use gnome manuals

1) you can set up nautilus to manage your desktop (use gnome-tweak-tool if you are not skilled enough) 2) alt+right click doh, is specified all over the internet at this point, not only in the manual
3) see 1 and system settings->keyboard->shortcuts

Can you please spare us and start discovering? Is not that hard to open a manual or search on google


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