14         if (($?)); then
15                 warn="^[[31mWARNING^[[m"
16         else
17                 warn=
18         fi
19         date=`date`
21 '

  i'm using this PROMPT_COMMAND to set PS1 everytime it is played, it seems to 
work perfectly except later i found a strange behavior of the terminal, both in 
xterm under X and agetty under the console. for example, when under the 
console, i found the terminal column indicated by the bash variable $COLUMNS is 
160, however, when i type some command about 50 characters long, the line which 
i'm typing wraps to the begining, and destroys what i typed earlier, this makes 
typing long commands really difficult...and everything is just fine when i just 
set the PS1 variable to a very simple value without escape sequences.
  anyone knows how to fix this?

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