On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Pierre Schmitz <pie...@archlinux.de> wrote:
> Am 21.11.2011 20:43, schrieb Bernardo Barros:
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Thorsten Töpper
>> <atsut...@freethoughts.de> wrote:
>>> Seriously, it's probably meant like this but your mail reads like a
>>> "Hey why don't you learn $INSERT_LANG_HERE and rewrite your whole
>>> system."
>> Hello Thorsten, no, you got it wrong.
>> It's about ideas not languages. I think it makes sense in a rolling
>> release OS like Arch.
>> Ideas like for example
>>     pacman --rollback
>> Would be possible then
> We have an old bug reprot about this. See my comment at
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/8585#comment47567
> With btrfs this might be possible to implement in a clean and sane way.
> And as I said back then: This feature does not really belong in a
> package manager; even though ti could trigger snapshot creation etc.
> --
> Pierre Schmitz, http://pierre-schmitz.com

I prefer a general method of rolling back changes, not a package-focused one.

I think you can use ARM and 'pacman -Suu' e.g.

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