Am 30.11.2011 15:11, schrieb Simon Perry:
> On 01/12/11, Simon Perry wrote:
> | % sudo pacman -Syu                 
> | :: Synchronizing package databases...
> | core is up to date
> | extra is up to date
> | community                           906.8K 154.2K/s 00:00:06 [########] 100%
> |  multilib is up to date
> | :: Starting full system upgrade...
> |  there is nothing to do
> Fixed:
> % rm /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db
> % pacman -Syu
> Not sure why or how, but something was preventing core.db from syncing.

Please show the output of 'pacman -Qi gdbm' and 'pacman -Si gdbm'.

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