On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 18:08, Myra Nelson <myra.nel...@hughes.net> wrote:

> I've been working on this for several days and can't seem to figure out
> what's wrong. When I try to compile perl-5.14.2 or install any perl module
> that runs a test requiring getaddrinfo, the test fails. I've searched high
> and low between the bug list, the wiki, google, man pages etc and have
> found zero answers. I've found example c code that fails also. All the
> return values are negative and should be 0 or greater than zero. One of the
> errors related to perl is
> #   Failed test '$err == 0 for host=
> cpan.perl.org/service=ftp/socktype=STREAM'
> #   at t/getaddrinfo.t line 79.
> #          got: -8
> #     expected: 0
> I have a static ip address set up in rc.conf and my internet connections
> work, ftp clients work, ip addrlabel produces
> prefix ::1/128 label 0
> prefix ::ffff: label 4
> prefix ::/96 label 3
> prefix 2001::/32 label 7
> prefix 2002::/16 label 2
> prefix fec0::/10 label 5
> prefix fc00::/7 label 6
> prefix ::/0 label 1
> and rpcbind, ypbind, ypserv, and vsftpd are running.
> Building python3 also fails with the same error.
> It's probably something misconfigured on my box with all the changes in
> network tools, but quite frankly I'm lost. This problem is recent. I built
> the previous versions of perl and python3. Python2 builds and I diffed the
> test files that contain the gettaddrinfo tests and they are
> different. Pointers to getaddrinfo code that works, suggestions on my
> network configuration, rtfm might work if you've got a man page I've
> missed, and/or any other suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Myra
> --
> Life's fun when your sick and psychotic!

After some more searching, work, and this email from the libc help list [
http://sourceware.org/ml/libc-help/2011-12/msg00000.html ] , I've attempted
the code from Ulrich Dreppers page at
http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/userapi-ipv6.html . The newer version of the
code (on the right ) which is supposed to be protocol independent
returns getaddrinfo: Servname not supported for ai_socktype, while the
older version ( on the left ) seg faults.

I'm sure a lot of people are aware of this, but it there any work around?

Thanks for any assistance.

Life's fun when your sick and psychotic!

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