On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Yclept Nemo <orbisvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to create a new postgresql database cluster with UTF-8 locale
> and default (template) encoding. While initdb, run by rc.d/postgresql,
> inherits the locale from the environment, rc.d/functions overrides the
> locale to C as specified by DAEMON_LOCALE
> So I am thinking, is there any reason why not to run all daemons as
> UTF-8? I remember in the mailing list some devs preferred to run with
> the C locale. Why?
> Alternatively I could run initdb myself.. I am also wondering if
> starting a cluster with a different encoding than that of the
> environment (UTF-8 in a C environment) will cause problems
> thanks,

I may have sent this during an inopportune time (Thanksgiving heh) so
bumping if any will reply.

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