On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 11:55:18PM +0100, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
> Looked in the wrong place, fixed.
> The problem is that it's necessary to specify -lpthread now and in 
> future. It will likely hit you too once the mirror you use syncs and
> you update. Not sure which package is responsible, I guess glibc.

It could be one of:

core/glibc 2.14.1-2 (base) [installed: 2.14.1-1]
core/gcc 4.6.2-3 (base-devel) [installed: 4.6.2-1]
core/binutils 2.22-2 (base-devel) [installed: 2.21.1-2]

In all cases probably a quite recent change, last update
here was last week, next one planned for monday.

> Seems like a number of your programs need patching.
> Done so far:
> jmeter, aeolous, ambdec
> Those are all trivial patches, adding pthread or dl.

Will take care of it here.



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