On Friday 23 Dec 2011 12:06:37 Kwpolska wrote:
> Dear idiot,
> I'm kinda wondering why you aren't filtered from my mailbox yet.
> [..]
> I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.  Period.

Seriously?  It's comments like this that make me wonder if subscribing to this 
list is really worth it.  At least you did go on to provide some useful 
information, albeit in a "if I MUST stoop down to your level" kind of tone.

> My suggestion is: (a) stop whining; or (b) learn how to code and cut
> out all sound stuff out of gnome-settings-daemon.  No matter what you
> choose, there is one more option, which is much better: GET OUTTA HERE
> and use Debian if you like it so much.  Not right?  Then buy a Mac.
> Or Windows if you want to.  PERIOD.

Wow.  I'm truly mortified that the Linux world is associated with behaviour 
like yours.  What gives you the right to talk like that to *anyone*, let alone 
someone who came to us for help?


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