On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Magnus Therning <mag...@therning.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 10:59:19AM -0600, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
>> On Jan 3, 2012 8:51 AM, "Magnus Therning" <mag...@therning.org> wrote:
>>> Ouch, that sucks.  I'll just revert to making copies and wasting
>>> space then :(
>> If performance isn't that enormously critical I've used FUSE based
>> union file systems in the past with success ... it worked well for
>> my needs.
> Do you know if it works with `schroot` though?

oh right, sorry i spaced off that you had mentioned the particular app
you needed it to work for -- no, it doesn't appear to support it
out-of-the-box.  although, since `schroot` appears to just use mount
with some custom -o opts, you could probably hack it in with a
`mount.<union-or-aufs>` helper, or even patch schroot pretty easily if
you really wanted ;-)

looks like there are some btrfs options too, not sure it works for
your use case, but you could format a file with btrfs and mount on
loopback (man pages seem to suggest snapshotting will be used, and
loopback FS are supported)

btw, i believe i used this:


... appears to be in AUR as well.


C Anthony

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