On 01/04/2012 03:14 PM, Martti Kühne wrote:
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 01:45:43PM -0800, Don Juan wrote:
Battery 0: Discharging, 87%, 01:57:08 remaining

That is all the output I get. Is there a file that is related to
discharge rate some place I can not find? Is this rate built into
the kernel? From what I read this is built in to the kernel but I am
not sure I am grasping that. Am I chasing something that is moot to
overall performance and stability of the laptop? Can I give any
other info I am not thinking of sharing? Is this question that bad I
get the silence? ;)

well, back when I was using a laptop I used /proc/acpi/battery/BAT*/* where
a state file gave information in mAh about the full state and the present
state in which it is discharging. crafting a progressive algorithm that
dynamically averages battery usage and calculates a remaining time from it
shouldn't be that hard.

I'm not really sure where the mechanism that is trying to calculate these
things for you is coming from, and myself would try to shut it down / see
myself to make things cope with strange data. How correct is the estimate you
get, anyway?

On another notice, does the error make your cpu go crazy or something else
imminent like this? Because otherwise I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Thanks for your time, here is the info from where they have it in /sys/ now.

charge_full    5652000
charge_full_design  8000000
current_now    3929000
cycle_count  0
voltage_min_design   11282000
voltage_now   11436000

I do not get this message in the logs on other Linux distros running a 3.1 kernel. Also my charge_full shows 6843005 for charge_full on my sid partition. I do not have anything that I notice going on idle system give an average 2% cpu usage no crazy spikes no overheating things like that. I just keep getting the message in the log and I never like messages I do not understand being there especially when the battery is behaving differently than on sid.

Side not how bad is it to just let the computer run out of juice and watch the acpi power info until it shuts off? I did notice that at 0% battery it was still going but I did not want to push my luck.

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