On 01/04/2012 03:31 PM, Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote:
Yes, i enable the device,yet it is not found

Paulo Roberto
Em 04/01/2012 19:05, "Don Juan"<donjuans...@gmail.com>  escreveu:

On 01/04/2012 01:49 PM, Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote:


someone could help me with my bluetooth?

Bus 007 Device 002: ID 148d:1000 Ralink Technology, Corp.

Follow the steps in the link below,When I try to pair with any device
not find anything


$hcitool scan
Scanning ...

#hcitool scan
Scanning ...

Already restarted the service

someone could help me?


Paulo Roberto

Did you make sure to set the device to discoverable you want to connect
to? I know one of my phones I have to make sure that I click on
discoverable before my laptop sees it.

Some devices like say my HTC cell phone even if I turn on Bluetooth if its never been paired I have to make the device discoverable.

You started the Bluetooth service on your computer or added it to rc.conf?
You can also try changing the pin helper line in the hci conf file

what you are trying to connect to you computer can be seen by other devices correct? Does scanning not work either way from either you computer looking for the device or the device looking for the computer ?

verify the pin file exists

did you run it as root or sudo?

is there no output in any logs?

have you tried rfcomm bind to the device?

get the mac of the device you want to connect to and hcitool cc 00:11:22:33:44:55

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