On Jan 6, 2012 5:25 PM, "Thomas Bächler" <tho...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Am 06.01.2012 09:34, schrieb Ralf Madorf:
> > regarding to the rt issues I followed the explanations at
> > http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=12132 .
> > I still get an issues with
> > http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=32908 .
> > It's not only the described problem. If I boot 3.1.7-1-Arch I get
> > "nvidia: version magic '3.0-rt' should be '3.1.7-1-ARCH'" and if I boot
> > 3.0-rt I get "WARNING: GDMDisplay[snip]", both times X doesn't start.
> > FWIW I build a regular AUR kernel-rt.
> Apparently, the nvidia-all PKGBUILD does it wrong. I don't know why it
> exists - you can install nvidia from [extra] and create a package for
> nvidia-rt. At least then you know the PKGBUILD does something that
> actually works.
Not sure if the maintainer still updates from my (original)
nvidia-beta-all, but that one works just fine (unless kernel-Rt doesn't
implement the new extra modules)

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