On Saturday 14 Jan 2012 18:46:12 Qadri wrote:
> > I am used to just grabing with the mouse and pasting straight to the
> > relevent
> > place without the un wanted extra steps  i believe it need an mouse
> > section in
> > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d   but cant find any info on creating one   any help
> > please
> Did you check out
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Logitech_Marble_Mouse?
> If nothing there helps, perhaps you should check out the results of
> clicking with xev to make sure the assumed commands are being sent.
> ButtonPress event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x2600001,
>     root 0x15e, subw 0x0, time 7374878, (85,87), root:(928,197),
>     state 0x0, button 1, same_screen YES
> I get button 1 for the left button, 3 for the right, and 2 for the emulated
> middle click (off a laptop's mousepad buttons).
> MAQ.

Hi  thanks for the link i had looked on the wiki but had not found that bit  
but it does not work any how   , Whish i had kept the configs from the suse 
install as that worked a treat   i will have to have a play with it see if i 
can find the right settings for it ..

Thanks  Pete .

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