On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 2012-01-29 at 12:44 +0100, Kwpolska wrote:
>> It's an OEM, I'm changing PCs, so it won't work.  I am reinstalling
>> Windows anyway, because using XP on such machine (3-core AMD Athlon
>> 3.4GHz, GeForce GTS450, USB3.0, 4GB RAM) would be a stupid idea.
> Did you test wine or virtualization?
> I'm using Linux only, but I'm aware that sometimes Windows is needed.
> Btw. I would like to use wine for a KORG nanoKONTROL, hardware to
> control audio apps on Linux, but it would be nice to run the original
> software to program the KORG device. And since I won an iPad 2 I
> currently try to get an Apple thingy run on wine, unfortunately there
> are still issues with wine for Arch on my machine. I noticed that even
> stuff that at work run on Windows, often run at Linux too, e.g. when I
> worked for Brauner microphones Eagle was software we look at, such
> amazing software is available for Linux too. Perhaps you've got good
> reasons to install Windows, if not, try wine or try to install Windows
> to a virtual machine, since this at least could save the trouble to
> reboot.

Have you ever attempted to play a game through wine or a virtual
machine?  Then you should know why I am installing Windows that way
and why does it get over half of the drive (yes, I'm that crazy)

> - Ralf
> PS, not important:
>> Okay then, I don't think I'd get more responses than that.  I think
>> I'll choose C Anthony Risinger's solution, because I trust rsync more
>> than regular cp.
> Just to copy and not to sync, they're doing the same. While I haven't
> thought about links, since it's not an issue on my machine, cp -pr isn't
> optimal, as somebody mentioned cp -a is the way to go. IMO rsync has to
> many options that could cause issues, when new to rsync. I suspect that
> globbing will be the same as it is for cp. Anyway, both are better than
> dd for your task.

I'm not new to rsync, if you care.

Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk>
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