> Morning folk
> Back to this one again   i need to find a working position for  "xset -dpms"  
> i 
> am getting sick and tired of every time i reboot i get the darn screens 
> turning off i hate that with vengance  if i wqnt them off i turn them off 
> simples 
> So where can i put  the xset command for it to work correctly every time 

/etc/rc.local is *NOT* started in the X session so it can not set X
cron also doesn't start the jobs in the X session

~/.xinitrc is only started when running startx
~/.xsession is unfortunately not run by most login managers

What you need is ~/.xprofile which is *sourced* by most login managers
before running your *DE session.
That's also a place to export some variables that are inherited in all
your *DE applications.


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