Hi guys,

After switching from Linux Mint to Archlinux, my wireless card refused to
show up in lspci. It DOES worked fine under Linux Mint, but .... Below is
my output of 'lspci -vnn |grep Broadcom' :

10:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit
Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)

My laptop is hp 6515b, with a touch panel for the toggle of wifi on/off
etc. After a search in google I found the problem may be that the power of
wifi has been shut down, and solution is to boot into windows and turn wifi
on, because the touch panel will not work under Linux (as far as I know),

And the I found a software named rfkill, hoping it will work. 'rfkill list'
out put as follows :

0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: yes
        Hard blocked: yes

After 'rfkill unblock all', I get:

0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: yes

And still no wireless card detected. So my question is, is there any way to
power the wifi on without booting into windows? (in fact, windows has
diappeared from my laptop for 3 years, and there is no partition on my
harddisk supporting windows install).

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