On 15/04/12 22:49, P .NIKOLIC wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Apr 2012 13:00:19 +0200
> Martti Kühne <mysat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 06:33:58PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
>>> On 15/04/12 18:15, P .NIKOLIC wrote:
>>>> How can i return full function to the findutils and locate  , It
>>>> was the best utility for the job and now has been eroded by the
>>>> supposed replacements that are a complete failure .
>>>> I want my old locate command back and working as it always used to
>>>> never failed to find what i wanted  
>> the fuck, mlocate works fine here, it installs in /usr/bin/locate and
>> /usr/bin/updatedb, which both run fine.
>> same with findutils.
>> actually you're not even posting error output or factual support like
>> from -Ql, repo changes or anything else helpful. shame on you.
>>> The only way is to switch distros.  Arch is obviously not for you.
>> Seriously quit the ...trolling, both of you. The way you are failing
>> at complicating things here hurts my intellect. This list isn't 4chan.
>> cheers!
>> mar77i
> DID i swear no i dont expect reply's to either thanks muchly  
> you come on the list ask a polite question you get bad mouthed and told
> to switch distros .
> Right mlocate is installed   updatedb takes no time it is instant it
> fails to read a thing   .. it attempts to reads the NAS drive that i do
> NOT want read  thats it nothing else 
> now can we have some sensible replies please ..

Once again, a failure at basic research...

Adjust the configuration file.

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