On 04/25/2012 12:38 PM, Kaiting Chen wrote:
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Rashif Ray Rahman<sc...@archlinux.org>wrote:

On 25 April 2012 23:25, Tom Gundersen<t...@jklm.no>  wrote:

I strongly believe that should we move away from intscripts it needs
to be to an event-driven system (such as systemd or upstart) and it
was not clear from the webpage that OpenRC provides this.

I concur.

Although the current init works for me and won't encourage me to shift to
things like systemd anytime soon, efforts towards introducing alternatives
would have to be justified by how much more they're able to bring to the
table. Simply being different or offering a few bonuses won't be enough,
IMO. Systemd is something dynamic and is what fits that ideal model, a
model which satisfies the needs of the present and hopefully the future.

Otherwise, I like my init as simple as it currently is. Dependency is never
a problem as it's very little work to manually ensure they're met.


The problem I have with a systemd like init system is that it's way too
much overkill for a server. I like our current situation as we have an
extremely simple init system and users can drop in systemd if they so
choose. --Kaiting.


Arch follows the nice KISS principle and a bit of DIY. We should have default a simple and sane system that works, and if anyone feels the need to install some crazy new fangled type, they can go ahead.

OpenRC works well in Gentoo, i don't see why it would not work well here.

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