On 4 June 2012 22:27, Sudaraka Wijesinghe <sudaraka.wijesin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/04/12 23:48, Genes MailLists wrote:
>>   Just to add another fedora link:
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pjones/Features/SecureBoot
>>   Sounds like they till plan to make use of the UEFI CA $99 signing
>> service from Microsoft.
>>    Do you think Arch should follow suit or require instead that Secure
>> Boot is disabled?
>>   gene/
> If this is a poll, I vote "Arch should require Secure Boot to be disabled"
> I choose a distro like Arch because it doesn't have a financial motive
> and will not give into market pressures such as this.
> If we want keep hardware vendors from forcing Secure Boot on us, we have
> to send the message out that we don't want it. Paying a "small" price of
> M$99 is not the way.
> However as free software users, we will have to endure some hard time in
> the coming days when getting new hardware.
> Just my two cents.
> Sudaraka.

I'd like to add something to what Sudaraka said:

Arch doesn't seems to have the same kind of user than fedora, Arch if
I don't remember it wrong, tends to be aimed for a competent user.
Such a competent user can disable secure boot in x86 devices. (ARM
devices doesn't seem a problem to Arch because  we don't do ARM)

Just my two cents.


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