2012/6/13 Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk>

> On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 13:42:01 -0700
> pants wrote:
> > check the SMART status of the drives,
> I've recently found Pmagic livecd to be very cool for this. Simply
> click the disk health icon on the desktop.

Folks I've messed things even more  I did a kernel downgrade, downloaded
kernel 3.3.7 from arch time machine and did pacman -U
System rebuilt modules and so on. After reboot it seems to report my /boot
is not a valid partition type with ext2fs. Still grub which is installed
there works and I can boot my windows.
My plan now is download a live cd do a chroot to my old arch and try to
update the kernel for the old state is it manageable?

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