On Monday 11 Jun 2012 14:22:57 you wrote:
> On Monday 11 Jun 2012 09:42:30 Martin Cigorraga wrote:
> > I have Strigi disabled and yet until yesterday's night I was receiving
> > segfaults when clicking on any type of fire; finally after trial and error
> > an before going insane and start ripping my hair out, I found that the
> > crash is connected with the Enable tooltip option, disable it and you
> > shouldn't have any more Dolphin crashes.
> Thank you; that's a very helpful discovery.  I've disabled tooltips in
> Dolphin, and that does seem to have prevented the crashing.

Dare I say it...I think this is fixed now.  I've re-enabled tooltips and 
haven't got Dolphin to crash so far.


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