
Am 03.07.2012 13:08, schrieb Thomas Bächler:
> Those are all valid concerns. I don't know why this particular URL was
> chosen.
> I guess nobody has put nearly as much thought into this as you did.

So you would appreciate it? I certainly can submit a patch for this one ;).

> <ruleset name="Arch Linux">
>  <target host="archlinux.org"/>
>  <target host="*.archlinux.org"/>
>  <rule from="^http://archlinux\.org/"; to="https://www.archlinux.org/"/>
>  <rule from="^http://([^/:@\.]+)\.archlinux\.org/"
> to="https://$1.archlinux.org/"/>
> </ruleset>
> I always get https by default here.

Yeah, you are right. Seems that I have mixed up something here. I was
playing around with HTTPS Everywhere and had it disabled for testing
purposes. Totally my fault, I'm sorry.

What about the CPE entry? Any interest in that? As said, this obviously
has to be done by someone officially connected to Arch Linux, but from
my understanding it shouldn't cost anything.

Best regards,
Karol Babioch

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