On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 09:53:01PM +0200, Arvid Warnecke wrote:
> Hello Ike,
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 09:27:22AM +0200, Ike Devolder wrote:
> > Op vrijdag 20 juli 2012 08:05:33 schreef Arvid Warnecke:
> > > I have already been used to not beeing able to suspend my MacBook Pro
> > > since the buggy nvidia version which came with 3.4.x kernel. But as of
> > > the latest updates which brought kernel 3.4.5-1 I am not able to use
> > > pm-hibernate anymore.
> > > When looking into /var/log/pm-suspend.log it seems that hibernating went
> > > well: lots of "success" messages and no errors. But when I then start
> > > the MacBook again it does not resume but boots normally. fsck detects
> > > that disks haven't been unmounted orderly, recovers journal and I am
> > > back to a fresh booted system then.
> > > 
> > > Any ideas what might be causing this issue? More fresh bugs in nvidia
> > > 302.17-3?
> > > 
> > could you try the same with the long lived branch of nvidia utils and 
> > drivers?
> > 
> > these are at version 295.59
> > 
> > nvidia-ll: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=60602
> > nvidia-utils-ll: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=60604
> > 
> > fist build utils, then driver
> > 
> Is there an ideal way of replacing nvidia by nvidia-ll?
> I build the utils, but am not able to install it, because the actually
> installed nvidia requires the other nvidia-utils.
> ┌─[ madhatter(archBookPro):~/builds/nvidia-ll ]
> └──╼ makepkg -sf                                                              
> ==> Making package: nvidia-ll 295.59-2 (Fr 20. Jul 21:51:18 CEST 2012)
> ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
> ==> Installing missing dependencies...
> error: target not found: nvidia-utils-ll=295.59
> ==> ERROR: 'pacman' failed to install missing dependencies.
> The utils are build, but not installed yet.
> Hmpf,
> Arvid
> -- 
> [ Arvid Warnecke ][ arvid (at) nostalgix (dot) org ]
> [ IRC/OPN: "madhatter" ][ http://www.nostalgix.org ]
> ---[  ThreePiO was right: Let the Wookiee win.  ]---

remove the ones that are already installed, and then finish building
and installing the new ones

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