General Discussion about Arch Linux <>

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 03:41:08PM -0600, D. R. Evans wrote:
> > pacman -Su
> > 
> Not OK:
> > [root@shack n7dr]# pacman -Su
> > :: Starting full system upgrade...
> > resolving dependencies...
> > looking for inter-conflicts...
> > 
> > Targets (1): glibc-2.16.0-2
> > 
> > Total Installed Size:   33.94 MiB
> > Net Upgrade Size:       0.83 MiB
> > 
> > Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
> > (1/1) checking package integrity                                            
> >                                                                       
> > [##########################################################################################]
> >  100%
> > (1/1) loading package files                                                 
> >                                                                       
> > [##########################################################################################]
> >  100%
> > (1/1) checking for file conflicts                                           
> >                                                                       
> > [##########################################################################################]
> >  100%
> > error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
> > glibc: /lib exists in filesystem
> > Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
> > [root@shack n7dr]# 

After much investigation the only workaround for this problem I could
discover and I have used on my three computers this week is:

system reboot                   : updates system with new packages. This
                                : step is critical or you could end up with
                                : a borked system

# pacman -Sfu                   : This forces the loading of glibc-2.16.0-2 
                                : but errors out because /lib directory exists 
ignore errors                   : on the system.

# /usr/lib/ /bin/rm -r /lib

# /usr/lib/ /bin/ln -s /usr/lib /lib

system reboot

DANGER: If the above procedure is not followed exactly you can bork your
        system and it will need a complete rebuild.
An other workaround is:

# system reboot

# pacman -Sfu

Ignore errors use a live CD/USB and boot Linux. 
# mkdir /archroot

# mount /dev/xxxx /archroot     : where xxxx is the root partition

# cd /archroot

/archroot]# rm -r lib

/archroot]# ln -s usr/lib ./lib

system reboot



PS: I have not read the complete thread so I do not know if someone else
    has already offered these solutions. JEB

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