For what I understood, messing with the initcpio won't change anything,
because GRUB doesn't even get to load it.
Leonardo Dagnino

2012/7/31 Kyle <>

> According to Tom Gundersen:
> #On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 12:32 AM, Δημήτρης Ζέρβας <>
> #wrote:
> #> why isn't it necessary? is it loaded by default? because udev isn't
> #> running...
> #
> #btrfs, like all the other fs modules, should be loaded on-demand when
> #"mount" is called.
> Additionally, both GRUB and syslinux, according to the documentation,
> support finding a bootable kernel and initrd image that are stored on a
> BTRFS filesystem. The only potential problem I read about had to do with
> using a /boot subvolume, but I wasn't creating any subvolumes at the point
> where I was installing the bootloader. I was planning to create a subvolume
> for /home, but this shouldn't have caused a problem with either bootloader,
> and it wasn't even created yet anyway.
> ~Kyle
> --
> Kyle is a droid.
> The whole world knows it.
> This e-mail shows it.

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