On Saturday 11 Aug 2012 17:51:44 Joakim Hernberg wrote:
> "Sievers explained that it will still be possible to install udev
> independently of systemd. He added that this option will be supported
> in the long term because separate builds are required to ensure that
> initrds (initial ramdisks), which don't include systemd, work
> correctly. Distributions that don't use systemd can continue to build
> udev as before, but will have to use the systemd sources."

Exact quote from http://lwn.net/Articles/490413/
"In fact, we will be supporting this for a long time since
it is a necessity to make initrds (which lack systemd) work properly."

See the word "lack" and "necessity". They do not talk about it as design 
features as so many people want. For them, this lack of systemd is a bug 
not a feature. So according to their design patterns, they would have 
liked systemd in initrd. 

Cheers and Regards
Jayesh Badwaik
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