On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 1:18 AM, Arno Gaboury <arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 12/08/12||20:26, jsteel wrote:
> > On 2 August 2012 16:40, Aurko Roy <roy.au...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am trying to get my gmail to work with mutt but keep
> > > getting this error: "SSL failed: I/O error".
> >
> > > Does anybody have a clue what could be the
> > > problem?
> >
> > What does your muttrc look like? This works for me:
> >
> > set imap_user=your-username
> > set imap_pass=your-password
> > set folder=imaps://imap.gmail.com/
> > set spoolfile  = +INBOX
> > mailboxes = +INBOX
> > set header_cache = ~/.mutt/hcache
> > set postponed = +[Gmail]/Drafts
> > unset imap_passive
> > set imap_keepalive = 300
> > set mail_check = 120
> > set sort=threads
> >
> > jsteel
> Are you sure to use the correct certificate? Gmail ask for a specific
> certificate to allow connection, and this should be specified in one of
> your config file with the <cert_fingerprint> variable.

I have the Thawte's certificates (Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.pem,

                   Thawte_Server_CA.pem) in my /etc/ssl/certs/. Do I need
some other certificates to connect? I am not aware of the
<cert_fingerprint> variable in the config file. Could you elaborate more on


Aurko Roy
GPG key: 0x20C5BC31
Fingerprint:76B4 9677 15BE 731D 1949  85BA 2A31 B442 20C5 BC31

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