Are you talking about the willingness of the Linux community in general to go 
through tough technical transitions for the sake of progress? If so, I'd say 
that's one of the big things that makes Linux so successful, and Windows so 
slow to improve. There are always the distros with LTS releases for those that 
can't risk breakage.

Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Baho Utot <> wrote:

On 08/14/2012 09:58 AM, Calvin Morrison wrote:


> When did offering an opposing opinion to what ever is popular become 
> tolling? what is this? /r/politics? I frankly have seen arguments both 
> ways for systemd and initscripts, and the fact that many users do not 
> want to switch is enough for me to say "ok then let's not switch". the 
> GNU/Linux community seems to have this jump ship mentality which is 
> really annoying. 

Thank you

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