On 08/26/12 at 10:17pm, Chris Evans wrote:
> ________________________________
>  From: rafael ff1 <rafael.f...@gmail.com>
> To: General Discussion about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org> 
> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 11:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] SystemD poll
> 2012/8/27 C Anthony Risinger <anth...@xtfx.me>:
> > On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Felipe Contreras
> > <felipe.contre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> A bum on the street might not be a reliable source of information, but
> >> he/she might still be saying the truth. Cops wouldn't take their word
> >> at face value (or almost anyone for that matter), but if a bum says
> >> there was a crime, cops could still investigate to make sure that's
> >> the case.
> >
> > ehm ... and who the !@$# are you?
> >
> > ... down-trodden and cast to the curb carries no assurance that one is
> > a quote-on-quote "bum" -- unfortunate things DO happen to good people
> > you know -- and the ravages of mental illness are all too easy to
> > dismiss when you're not among the ravaged!
> >
> > really!? in a past life i'd probably say something to the effect of
> > "you sir, are an arrant sack of shite -- a pitifully miserable sore
> > spewing an egregious pus of arrogance and obstinance -- a first-class
> > jerk-off!" ... well, or some variation ;-) thankfully i reject such
> > dead-end language, and prefer to only think it aloud.
> >
> > now let's review! per your allusions and my history, you've been here
> > a whopping 10 days(!) and managed to elicit response from a growing
> > list of ... uh ... "friends"? you're presence in other more "visible"
> > lists i track fail to echo this recent(?) lack of restraint ... why is
> > that?
> >
> > just quit now guy, while you're only ~1,000 km behind -- i say this
> > with little more than your own interests at heart -- communication
> > needn't be so difficult.
> >
> > --
> >
> > C Anthony
> >Dude, it simply doesn't worth it. Troll is troll. Arch-general wasted
> >already too much time with this guy.
> I really don't get all the hoopla around this subject. Maybe since I'm 
> relatively new here (3 months on arch) it's easier for me, then again maybe 
> not. Everything is running fine for me and although different it's still 
> linux and not hard to get used to new things. The whole reason I decided to 
> move to arch is to get the latest software and the newest toys. With that is 
> an unwritten agreement that things are gonna change, frequently and radically 
> and maybe even not to some peoples liking. I respect the developers decision 
> and if they say that moving to systemd is going to be better for them and for 
> us then I will believe that. At least until I have personal proof that they 
> don't have a clue what they are talking about. The move to systemd was easy 
> and relatively painless. I have literally spent 10 times longer reading this 
> back and forth god-aweful debate than I spent researching and then installing 
> and configuring systemd. TRUTH

Scroll wrap, man.... scroll wrap.
Curtis Shimamoto

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