On Aug 31, 2012 7:47 PM, "Kevin Chadwick" <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > > I will give one example. Lennart says come on who connects to sshd
> > > than once a month. I can't believe he's never seen a sshd log with
> > > constant pass attempts even though passwords are disabled.
> >
> > You are misunderstanding the sshd example.
> How? Systemds method would seem more problematic and wasteful to me if
> you get connections to it a lot.

The example explicitly only deals with the case where you do not get a lot
of connections. E.g. in a private network.

> Home connections even get many ssh
> connection attempts

If you have a pubic IP you'd be better off using the regular service and
not the xinet-style one.


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