On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Xeslaro <bfsc...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   when some application write, for example, \e[1;31m msg \e[0m to console,
> is it possible to just ignore the "1;" which asks to use a bold(bright)
> color and just write \e[31m msg \e[0m instead? i don't like bold colors,
> they make eyes suffering.
>   i tried setterm -bold off, which doesn't work; and infocmp to dump the
> terminfo file, remove the bold entry, use tic to save the setting, which
> only take effect on applications that use the ncurses library.
>   is there any way to solve this problem?

You are not telling wich console are you using... Are you in some kind of
virtual terminal? Or in the linux console? If the latter, are you using the
old VGA console or the new FB console?


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