> Hi Mathieu, what's your video card? $ lspci | grep -i vga will do it.

0:41 mathieu@kubrick ~ % lspci | grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core
Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)

> Also:
> 1. do you have installed acpi,

>  laptop-mode-tools


>  or pm-utils?

yes, required bu upower, required by gdm

Do you think i need to install them ? (it worked well without them until
gnome 3.6)

> 2. what does happen if you suspend your system using the pm-suspend
> tool?

it wake up correctly (without locking screen)

> A $ man pm-suspend will give you useful data about the quirks flags
> you can use.

my problem is not to suspend the laptop, only wake up when have been
suspending by gnome cause idling.

Mathieu R.

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