On 15 Nov 2012 08:55, "Joakim Hernberg" <j...@alchemy.lu> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 03:40:47 -0500
> Daniel Micay <danielmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > steam://open/games
> Wow, this is all that clawsmail managed to quote from your msg...:)
> Indeed, it does work somewhat when started as "steam
> steam://open/games", even though I don't find a single game to
> play :(  Thanks for the package, I guess it might become more useful at
> some later date.
> --
>    Joakim

It is not clear to me if we can distribute the package or not. I think the
package was in AUR until a couple of days ago.
As for the legal parts, if we get permission we should be fine, right [1]?
And written permission should be the emails, thus I believe we are fine.

[1]: […] without the prior written consent of Valve. […]

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