On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 01:22:24AM +0100, Dario wrote:

> [FA]
> >[     ....  ] IP [<f81f1240>] pacpi_set_dmamode+0x50/0xa0 [pata_acpi]
> I've blacklisted pata_acpi because of random boot failures. Maybe
> it's your case.

It was. Blacklisted pata_acpi, mkinitcpio, and the system boots.
So now I have my first pure systemd machine running (and to be
clear, systemd has nothing to do with this bug). Ten more to
follow if all goes well...

A few notes/questions.

* I forgot to run mkswap during the initial installation.
  The 'Partioning' and 'File systems' links from the install
  guide wiki page don't mention mkswap - maybe it should be
  mentioned somewhere (it is if you go deeper, e.g. on the
  'Swap file' page).
  Strange thing is that cfdisk showed the unitialised partition
  as ext3, as did blkid, while fdisk showed it as swap (82).  

* Installed xdm-archlinux and enabled the corresponding service.
  This gives me a graphical login on tty2 instead of the usual
  tty7. Is this as intended ?

* What is the purpose of halt.target ? It stops the system
  but leaves power on. AFAICS, it's not possible to restart
  without a power cycle...

* This machine *never* worked with nouveau, not even recent
  versions. But now by magic it does !



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