On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Tom Gundersen <t...@jklm.no> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:23 PM, Mike Cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Does anyone have experience with such a UEFI system on this list? Apart
> > from the info on the arch wiki and the install wiki info (which I have
> been
> > reading), are systems like this reliable once installed? Does the routine
> > pacman update process for kernels lead to issues requiring manual
> > intervention with EFI/GPT or it is as generally reliable as BIOS/MBR?
> I recently got an MacBook with which I use EFI/GPT, and it works
> shockingly well.
> I use gummiboot as the bootloader and partitioned my disk using gdisk.
> The only gotcha worth mentioning that I can think of is that your
> kernel/initramfs must
> be installed on your EFI partition (which according to some sources
> should be at least 512MB,
> though mine is not). It is simple enough to make that work
> automagically by mounting
> your EFI partition on /boot (with an /boot/EFI subdirectory), rather
> than having a separate
> /boot partition and mounting the EFI partition on /boot/EFI.
> HTH,
> Tom

Thanks Tom - that is useful - I am doing as much reading as possible and
also found a link this evening which has useful info:



though I will read more before making a final decision....  I guess uefi is
still very new and only a minority of users have got to grips with it yet -
so I still feel a little twitchy about making it my primary boot mechanism!

mike c

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