On 13 March 2013 04:07, Martti Kühne <mysat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> as sysadmin of your archlinux system you should take care of pacnew files
> in your filesystem. I myself run
> # find / -xdev -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.*\.pac(new|old|save)' | less

Regarding .pacnew files, there is an utility called pacdiff in the
pacman-contrib package. You run it in a directory and it looks for
.pacnew, .pacorig and .pacsave files. For .pacnew files, it opens up a
vim window in diff mode, letting you sync files when appropriate (e.g.
httpd.conf has new comments or new defaults). Upon saving, the script
asks you whether you want to keep or remove the .pacnew file.

It's really a time saver.

Sébastien Leblanc

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