On 31.05.2013 01:30, Florian Pritz wrote:
That has nothing to do with Net::Server, it's a bug in the code initially setting the variable used there. I have no idea why tainting behaviour seems to have changed with perl 5.18 (perldelta doesn't mention anything), but the only place I hit this problem was in spampd and there the variables were clearly tainted so I don't consider it a regression. If you are using that, please upgrade to the new version in AUR where I fixed those bugs. For more information about tainting please take a look at perlsec[1]. [1]: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsec.html CC'ing arch-general since this might be interesting to someone.

I got this issue with postgrey, I've put workaround disabling daemonization and changing systemd service type to simple.

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