On 09-06-2013 22:23, Alfredo Palhares wrote:
> Hello,
> So I was creating a archlinux usb bootable drive:
> [root@masterkorp-laptop Downloads]# dd bs=4M if=archlinux-2013.06.01-dual.iso 
> of=/dev/sdb
> 130+1 records in
> 130+1 records out
> 548405248 bytes (548 MB) copied, 0.964976 s, 568 MB/s
> I was like WOW, this was too fast! But nothing ever gets written to
> the pen drive.
> To add to the weird factor, a dd to dev/sdb1 (partition) works as it
> should, slowly. But then ofcourse the iso gets unbootable.
> The md5sum on the iso is correct.
> I tried with diferent pen drives.
> Please, any suggestions is welcome.
> --
> Regards,
> Alfredo Palhares
> .

It would be good to know which usb drive we are talking about, if it has
any "features" such as U3 or if it was an offer and came with publicity
materials or something like that.

On another note, it should be decided where to continue the discussion,
cross posting is not such a good idea as some people will not be kept on
the loop. On the forum it might get more exposure but on the ML it might
get the attention of people with more knowledge/experience (some people
only check the forum, others only check the ML, you decide).

Mauro Santos

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