On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Maykel Franco <maykeldeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2014/1/10 Karol Blazewicz <karol.blazew...@gmail.com>:
>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:09 PM, Maykel Franco <maykeldeb...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> thanks
>>> 2014/1/10 Mark Lee <m...@markelee.com>:
>>>> On Fri, 2014-01-10 at 22:02 +0100, Maykel Franco wrote:
>>>>> I cannot install blink-darcs in archlinux...Can I help me please??
>>>>> Thanks in advanced.
>>>>> [root@arch-maykel maykel]# yaourt -S blink-darcs --noconfirm
>>>>> ==> Descargando PKGBUILD desde AUR...
>>>>> x PKGBUILD
>>>>> Comment by fdservices  (2012-05-21 07:34)
>>>>> If this works with python27 shouldit not be updated?
>>>>> Comment by Synthead  (2013-01-28 02:43)
>>>>> The documentation calls for Python 2.5 or 2.6, but seems to run ok on
>>>>> Python 2.7.  Updated!
>>>>> Comment by Synthead  (2013-01-28 02:44)
>>>>> Also, the darcs-bin is an easy way to get darcs on your system without
>>>>> worrying about all the build dependencies ;)
>>>>> Comment by grugnog  (2013-03-12 12:25)
>>>>> Getting a segfault when trying making a call with a fresh install of
>>>>> blink and dependencies. Unfortunately it is a hisenbug - since running
>>>>> it with strace works! Will need to try again with gdb at some point.
>>>>> My hunch is that it may be related to
>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgcrypt11/+bug/1013798
>>>>> Comment by gardar  (2013-11-15 13:43)
>>>>> Dependency `python2-pyqt' of `blink-darcs' does not exist
>>>>> blink-darcs 20130127-1  (vie may 13 09:28:12 CEST 2011)
>>>>> (Paquete sin soporte: podría ser peligroso!)
>>>>> ==> dependencias de blink-darcs:
>>>>>  - python2 (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - python2-application (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - python2-cjson (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - python2-gnutls (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - python2-pyqt (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - twisted (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - python2-eventlib (compilando des de AUR)
>>>>>  - python2-sipsimple (compilando des de AUR)
>>>>>  - darcs (compilando des de AUR)
>>>>> ==> Continuar compilando blink-darcs? [S/n]
>>>>> ==> ---------------------------------------
>>>>> ==>
>>>>> ==> Compilando e instalando el paquete
>>>>> ==> Las fuentes de blink-darcs se guardaron en la última ocasión.
>>>>> Utilizarlas? [S/n]
>>>>> ==> Instalar o compilar las dependencias que faltan para blink-darcs:
>>>>> ==> Descargando PKGBUILD desde AUR...
>>>>> x PKGBUILD
>>>>> Comment by bretthoerner  (2012-12-07 14:57)
>>>>> == Install or build missing dependencies for darcs:
>>>>> error: target not found: haskell-haskeline0.7
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>> Comment by stewSquared  (2013-02-26 17:11)
>>>>> I recommend installing from the Haskell Hackage:
>>>>> $ pacman -S cabal-install
>>>>> $ cabal install darcs
>>>>> This way, it's guaranteed to be up-to-date (bonus: haskell-tar and
>>>>> haskell-haskeline are present).
>>>>> Comment by misc  (2013-03-11 11:23)
>>>>> Is prepare() still observed by pacman? Had to move its content to
>>>>> build() for it to work.
>>>>> Comment by gtmanfred  (2013-03-11 15:53)
>>>>> bah, my bad, prepare doesn't exist until pacman 4.1
>>>>> I was using it so i wouldn't have to continually configure it Fixing
>>>>> Comment by tzok  (2013-06-21 09:52)
>>>>> Please add haskell-utf8-string to makedepends, as it is a required 
>>>>> package.
>>>>> darcs 2.8.4-2  (mié mar 21 11:49:56 CET 2012)
>>>>> (Paquete sin soporte: podría ser peligroso!)
>>>>> ==> dependencias de darcs:
>>>>>  - curl (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - gmp (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - ncurses>=5.6-7 (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - ghc (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-tar (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-text<0.12 (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-haskeline (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-random (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-vector (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-html<1.1 (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-parsec<3.2 (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-regex-compat (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-hashed-storage<0.6 (compilando des de AUR)
>>>>> ==> Continuar compilando darcs? [S/n]
>>>>> ==> ---------------------------------
>>>>> ==>
>>>>> ==> Compilando e instalando el paquete
>>>>> ==> Instalar o compilar las dependencias que faltan para darcs:
>>>>> ==> Descargando PKGBUILD desde AUR...
>>>>> x PKGBUILD
>>>>> x haskell-hashed-storage.install
>>>>> Comment by goviedo  (2013-09-26 14:13)
>>>>> I had a problem compiling this to darcs in my Archbang x64 kernel
>>>>> Storage/Hashed/Utils.hs:17:1:
>>>>> Bad interface file:
>>>>> /usr/lib/ghc-7.6.3/site-local/mtl-2.1.2/Control/Monad/Identity.hi
>>>>> Data.Binary.getWord8: end of file
>>>>> == ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
>>>>> Aborting...
>>>>> Linux arch 3.11.1-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Sep 22 19:45:00 CEST 2013
>>>>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>> Comment by eatsaq  (2013-11-08 01:14)
>>>>> - Extracting hashed-storage-0.5.10.tar.gz with bsdtar
>>>>> == Starting build()...
>>>>> Setup.hs:27:3: Warning:
>>>>> In the use of `runTests'
>>>>> (imported from Distribution.Simple, but defined in
>>>>> Distribution.Simple.UserHooks):
>>>>> Deprecated: "Please use the new testing interface instead!"
>>>>> Configuring hashed-storage-0.5.10...
>>>>> Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
>>>>> extensible-exceptions -any, mtl -any
>>>>> == ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
>>>>> Comment by skeksis268  (2013-12-01 18:57)
>>>>> fails build with the following error:
>>>>> Setup: At least one of the following dependencies are missing:
>>>>> mmap == 0.5.*
>>>>> This is despite having the latest of haskell-mmap package installed
>>>>> Comment by thoth  (2013-12-15 16:14)
>>>>> +1 here as well (same as skeksis268)
>>>>> haskell-hashed-storage 0.5.10-1  (lun mar 11 08:26:53 CET 2013)
>>>>> (Paquete sin soporte: podría ser peligroso!)
>>>>> ==> dependencias de haskell-hashed-storage:
>>>>>  - ghc (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-dataenc (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-extensible-exceptions (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-mmap (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-mtl (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - haskell-zlib (ya instalado)
>>>>>  - ghc (ya instalado)
>>>>> ==> Continuar compilando haskell-hashed-storage? [S/n]
>>>>> ==> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ==>
>>>>> ==> Compilando e instalando el paquete
>>>>> ==> AVISO: Compilar un paquete como administrador es peligroso.
>>>>>  Ejecute yaourt como usuario normal.
>>>>> ==> Creando el paquete: haskell-hashed-storage 0.5.10-1 (vie ene 10
>>>>> 22:00:52 CET 2014)
>>>>> ==> Resolviendo dependencias...
>>>>> ==> Verificando conflictos...
>>>>> ==> Recibiendo fuentes...
>>>>>   -> Descargando hashed-storage-0.5.10.tar.gz...
>>>>>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  
>>>>> Current
>>>>>                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  
>>>>> Speed
>>>>>   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  
>>>>>    0
>>>>>   0     0    0 57658    0     0   142k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  
>>>>> 142k
>>>>> ==> Validando el archivo fuente con md5sums...
>>>>>     hashed-storage-0.5.10.tar.gz ... Aprobado
>>>>> ==> Descomprimiendo fuentes...
>>>>>   -> Extrayendo hashed-storage-0.5.10.tar.gz con bsdtar
>>>>> ==> Iniciando build()...
>>>>> Setup.hs:27:3: Warning:
>>>>>     In the use of `runTests'
>>>>>     (imported from Distribution.Simple, but defined in
>>>>> Distribution.Simple.UserHooks):
>>>>>     Deprecated: "Please use the new testing interface instead!"
>>>>> Configuring hashed-storage-0.5.10...
>>>>> Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
>>>>> mmap ==0.5.*
>>>>> ==> ERROR: Se produjo un error en build().
>>>>>     Cancelando...
>>>>> ==> ERROR: Makepkg no ha podido compilar haskell-hashed-storage.
>>>>> ==> Reiniciar la compilación de haskell-hashed-storage? [s/N]
>>>>> ==> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ==>
>>>>> ==> Reiniciar la compilación de darcs? [s/N]
>>>>> ==> ----------------------------------------
>>>>> ==>
>>>>> ==> Reiniciar la compilación de blink-darcs? [s/N]
>>>>> ==> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>> ==>
>>>> Salutations!
>>>> I think you have the wrong list, you want aur-gene...@archlinux.org
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mark
>>>> --
>>>> Mark Lee <m...@markelee.com>
>> Your first message is a bloody mess:
>> - Why isn't it in English?
>> - Why would I care about all the comments like 'Comment by thoth
>> (2013-12-15 16:14)' etc? Why not post just the output from makepkg?
> because I'm from Spain and I have copied the error output in Spanish

I think most people here don't speak Spanish, so if you want help,
please use 'LC_ALL=C <command>' to get the output in English.

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