On Sunday 09 March 2014 09:53:33 Genes Lists wrote:
>    Thanks for putting this up - much appreciated.
>   Testing this now - I didn't see any significant visual changes and
> don't see much behavioural diffs either other than desktop search.
>   However I had nepomuk turned off (I have zero need or interest in any
> global search) - for the life of me I cannot find the off button with
> baloo. I did add every directory to the ignore list - but i'd rather
> turn off unneeded services.
>    Anyone know how to turn it off?

Just open $HOME/.kde4/share/config/baloofilerc and set option 'Indexing-
Enabled' to 'false':

[Basic Settings]

At least it works for me.
С уважением, Е.Алексеев.
Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev.

e-mail: darkarca...@mail.ru
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