On 15/04/14 03:51 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Hi,
> do I miss options for the preferences or doesn't gedit provide a menu
> bar and window buttons anymore? A menu bar might be something to argue,
> since it's part of the app, but the window buttons are provided by the
> window manager I decided to use. Will this happen to other editors, such
> as pluma and other apps too? Disgusting!
> Doers it make sense to send a veto to upstream or is it wanted by most
> users?
> Regards,
> Ralf

The GTK header bar widget replaces the title bar. It's possible to
enable the minimize/maximize buttons for it, and it does respect
whatever theme you're using. It's intended to save vertical space by
making a separate menu/toolbar unnecessary. There are some window
managers not implementing EWMH properly (Xfce's window manager) and you
will get a redundant title bar on top of the header bar.

You can blame Chromium/Chrome and Firefox for making this popular. I
happen to think it's a good idea, although as a user of i3 it has little
to no impact on me.

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