On 01/05/14 08:06 PM, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> I don't understand what is the entry, or fallback entry, or "run the
> entry."   I'm sorry.
> I'm going to try again later.  In fact, I may take the undesireable step of
> installing from Manjaro or whatever is the shortcut way to install Arch
> Linux these days.
> On the one hand, I don't care to learn about what's Micro$oft's latest
> tortuous trick it has played on the users; and on the other hand, I do
> value to learn the nuts and bolts of GNU/Linux.
> Thank you very much.  I am willing to give it one more try.  I might even
> try to install grub in a partition, as apparently is what Ubuntu has
> done.

(U)EFI was created by Intel replace legacy BIOS, it had nothing to do
with Microsoft. AFAIK, OS X adopted it long before Windows. I'm not sure
why you keep mentioning Microsoft over and over.

Arch has great UEFI support and it results in a significant improvement
in boot time compared to legacy BIOS booting. The gummiboot loader is a
huge simplication over grub, so there's not much to complain about there

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