On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 09:08:12PM +0200, Maykel Franco wrote:
> maykel@arch-maykel ~/ $ LANG=C sudo pacman -Syu
> :: Synchronizing package databases...
>  core is up to date
>  extra is up to date
>  community is up to date
>  multilib is up to date
>  archlinuxfr is up to date
> :: Starting full system upgrade...
> :: Replace haskell-transformers with extra/ghc? [Y/n]
> resolving dependencies...
> looking for inter-conflicts...
> :: shairplay and libshairport are in conflict. Remove libshairport? [y/N] Y
> error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
> :: haskell-mmap: requires ghc=7.6.3
> Hi, cannot update archlinux...
> Can I help me please??
> Thanks in advanced.

Deleting libshairport manually should fix the error.

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