On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 03:44:51PM +0000, LANGLOIS Olivier PIS -EXT wrote:
> I was forecasting that this comment would come when I wrote the
> original request. While I agree with what you say, I think that it is
> reasonable to let the user have the control over when it is cleaned.
> Without denaturing the /tmp folder, I'm using it to experiment patches
> on some packages or launch computation and store results into /tmp to
> return back at them the next morning. I have been a bit shocked to
> find out one morning that my files have been deleted by my system.
> IMHO, this goes against the rule of least surprise which is a pillar
> of the unix philosophy.

You should create a temporary directory under /tmp for your experiment.
Put a file in /etc/tmpfiles.d/mydir.conf with this content:
d /tmp/mydirectory mode uid gid

and work under that directory; systemd won't clean it.
For more information:
$ man 5 tmpfiles.d

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